01 our paths cross
02 we connect
03 make it official
04 sit back & relax
05 show and tell
feels like home

please let me know if you have any
questions at all, i would love to help!

the process: semi-custom squarespace web design services

 get a fully customized website in 2 weeks with the choice from any of my templates

web design for the creatives

here to take your brand and business to the next level! for the artist, photographer, creator, short term rental, small shop & more…let me help you get your work/life balance back to where you want it to be by taking the website process off your hands <3

are you a short term rental or small shop ready to get to the next level by creating a website?
did you try to diy your website but it just didn’t quite turn out the way you wanted it to?
are you ready to launch your dream brand and all that is left is the website?

i can help ❤

together we can elevate your business by building out your little corner of the internet. and we can do it fast!

that is where my custom web design and semi-custom Squarespace template services come in…


semi-custom squarespace design

what you’ll walk away with…

During our time together we will fully design, develop and launch your website!

✺ Choose one of the templates as the starting place. Which one feels like you? Which one has the pages and layout that you and your business need?
✺ After you fill out the inquiry form, we will connect and let the fun begin!
✺ At the end of our 2 weeks together, you will have a 5 page Squarespace website that hopefully not only represents you and your brand but that you are also proud of.

But most importantly, a place that feels like home that you can call yours.


testimonial ✺


Nicolette is so talented and creative, she made this whole website building process as easy as possible for me. She is super helpful, easy to work with, and answered all my questions. I seriously can't believe how cute and functional my site is now, it's a 1000% upgrade from my last DIY site. I have already seen the benefits of having a professional website. I feel more confident in myself and my business, and I am converting more followers into clients! I'm so happy with my website and I am recommending Nicolette to all my photography friends!

Semi-custom web design for artist and muralist.
Semi-custom web design on Squarespace for artist.

our paths cross and we connect

the stars aligned &

i am so thankful that one way or another, you landed here! first and foremost please fill out the inquiry form so i can get a better understanding of how we can make your website dreams come true!

next we will connect on a phone call and through my love language, pinterest <3
we will share a board where you spend an hour pinning all things website related and more importantly things that make you happy and smile!
we will choose which template will be best suited for you and we will be on our way!


cheers - let’s make it official & then have you sit back and relax

to kick things off i will send over a questionnaire for you to fill out all of your copy, or wording, for your website along with providing me with all imagery that will go on the site. my questionnaire is organized in a way that will make it easy for you to complete this task! It also has many prompts to help you along the way <3

after this step is crossed off the list, it is your time to sit back and relax! give me a week and i will come back your way with your new and personalized website!

finally your corner of the internet can feel like home

time to share!

we will have 2 meetings within the last week. one where i show off your new website! we will go over it together and note any final tweaks that need to be made.

i will take a few days to do those and then come back with your final design and website! the final handoff will be all about transitioning you to be the owner, editor and amazing soul behind your site.
i am so excited to get started…

Photo of semi-custom web designer Nicolette standing on rocks in the ocean wearing a swim top and distressed jeans.

hey, im nicolette

hey, im nicolette ✺

& welcome to my little corner of the internet

Your website deserves to be as creative as you are. And there’s nothing more nerve-wracking as a creative than having to wait months and months for it to be completed.

That’s why I created my semi-custom web design services (aka Squarespace template customization) so that you can get the website of your dreams without breaking the bank OR waiting forever for it to launch.


✺ Content Creators
✺ Artsist
✺ Photographers
✺ Short Term rental
✺ Small Local Shop

I’ve provided semi-custom Squarespace web design services for a variety of clients and industries & I’d love to add you to the list!