i am so lucky to life this life

the beach is my happy place

an ocean swim can cure the soul


more than just a freelance Squarespace web designer

i am so excited to get to know you & for you to get to know me!

Grainy film photography of freelance Squarespace web designer grabbing a cup of coffee sitting at a picnic.

coffee lover at heart

but matcha & tea
are closely behind

nothing makes me happier than a picnic

or a blue sky day

Freelance Squarespace designer, Nicolette, and her husband on their wedding day.

obsessed with my husband

he is my world.
my best friend.
my biggest motivation <3

Small business web designer, Nicolette, and her husband posing with their dog on their wedding day.

& even more obsessed with my dog

harvey has my heart
and soul forever & ever


Nicolette, freelance Squarespace web designer for small businesses, and her family.

i have a new best friend who stole my heart from the first minute i found out about her… and now
here we are almost 15 months later with her turning six months so so soon.
there is nothing in this world i love more than being her mom but i also love showing her you can live more than 1 dream at a time…
& that is why i am also here to help you turn your dream of a website into a reality!
i do it all for her , so thank you for helping me live my very best days at home with her while also running my business and helping create your little corner of the internet <3


i am a dreamer. someone who is always living with my heads in the clouds <3
i am married to my best friend and we have a little pup named harvey who is our world.
i love to create. both through my websites and also my online shop where i sell
stickers & more to come!
beach days are my most favorite ones and i am trying to live more intentionally which
means more books, sunsets, and spending time with my favorite humans!